How can I prepare for my telemedicine visit? | Healthe Pediatrics

How can I prepare for my telemedicine visit?

  1. Pick a private, quiet, well-lit place
  2. Have your child’s weight ready in case a prescription medicine is needed
  3. Have a flashlight – this can help your HeP doctor evaluate the back of your child’s throat if needed. It can also be helpful to take a picture of the back of the throat prior to your visit.
  4. Take a picture of any rash or lesion you would like evaluated
  5. If possible, for small children it is helpful to have an extra pair of hands – one to hold the child and one to hold the camera.
  6. If you have a thermometer, take your child’s temperature ahead of time.
  7. If you are able, take your child’s heart rate before the visit – feel the pulse in the neck or wrist and count how many times you feel a beat in 60 seconds.

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